Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanks Be to Credit

Who would have guessed that giving thanks and credit are remotely connected?

On Thanksgiving Day we give thanks to others by giving them credit by acknowledging what they have done or contributed to what we enjoy... our health, families, friendships, and work. Our expectation and thanks in advance are also implied for what we still hope to acquire, have, and enjoy. The recognition of our peers, wealth, and the freedom to enjoy a long and happy life come to mind.

Did I forget to mention the giant screen TV? Ah yes, the future opportunity of acquiring this and other electronic gadgets is within striking distance. Black Friday is almost here.

But wait! Times have changed and retailers wanting to get the jump on their competition have already been offering blow-out pricing for weeks before we could even give thanks for what we imagined we wanted but didn't know yet.

Now that's hardly in the spirit of the season but who said you could trust retailers to play fair. What's Thanksgiving day for if not to show gratitude and give credit where credit is due (with the emphasis on the latter). Now the due date for what we bought with plastic comes a little sooner as we receive those credit card statements in time for Christmas.

What next? Will those retail geniuses in Santa hats have us loading up for the SuperBowl game on Christmas Eve?

To say we are indebted to so many is a recognition of the mystery of these many merchandising seasons.

Happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tongue in cheek, YES, But SO TRUE. I am giving thanks as I write. DM